DECnet-11M Netgen

NOTE: This guide is a work-in-progress and still needs some more explanatory text adding in places.

This is a walkthrough guide for installing DECnet-11M-PLUS v4.0 on RSX-11M-PLUS v4.x. In order to complete this procedure you will need a pre-generated RSX-11M-PLUS system up and running. See the SYSGEN guide also available on this site for details on how to create this.

You will also need at least the DECnet-11M-PLUS NETKIT and DECnet-11M-PLUS DECKIT tapes and optionally the DECnet-11M-PLUS PSI tape.

Create the Network Generation Disk

Firstly we will need to create a NETGEN disk from the distribution tape. Attach a blank RL02 pack to rl0.

Install the bad block utility


Allocate the RL02 drive to our process and mount if foreign


Check for bad sectors and write the bad block table to the last track. This will stop a warning being generated when the pack is initialised.

BAD -- DL0: Total bad blocks= 0.

Initialise the pack with a suitable label


Dismount and deallocate the drive

23:42:15  *** DL0:  -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from DL0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***

Attach the DECnet-11M+ NETKIT tape to the TS11. In this case the tape used was BB-M448D-BC. Mount the NETGEN disk we just prepared


Allocate and mount the tape drive


Now create the NETGEN directory on the RL02. NETGEN command files should be stored in UIC [137,10]

>UFD DL0:[137,10]

Change to the NETGEN UIC. This is a bit like 'SET DEFAULT' in VMS.


Install the file exchange utility, which allows RT-11 and DOS-11 volumes to be read. Most RSX layered product tapes are in DOS-11 format.


Copy PREGEN.CMD from the tape to the RL02 pack


Copy the NETGEN files to disk

Run the pregen command file to start the copy process

>; ======================================================================
>;  PREGEN - RSX-11M/S/M-PLUS CEX System Pre-Generation Procedure
>;           Started at 23:48:44 on 24-MAY-90
>; ======================================================================
>; Copyright (C) 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987 by
>; Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
>* 01.00 Do you wish to see the PREGEN notes? [Y/N]: N
>* 02.00 Are you running on a small dual-disk system? [Y/N]: N
>* 04.00 Where is the Network distribution kit loaded [S]: MS0:
>* 04.01 Is the tape already loaded in MS0:? [Y/N]: Y
>* 04.02 Is the tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y
23:49:05  *** MS0:  -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MS0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***
>* 05.00 Where is the NETGEN disk loaded [S]: DL0:
>* 05.01 Is the disk already loaded in DL0:? [Y/N]: Y
>; Copying UIC "[137,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[1,2]".
>* 07.00 Should the Network object files be moved to the NETGEN Disk? [Y/N]: Y
>; Copying UIC "[3,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[137,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[130,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[130,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[141,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[141,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[200,200]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[141,34]".
23:49:32  *** MS0:  -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MS0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***

Now attach the DECnet-11M+ DECKIT tape to the TS11. The tape used was BB-J567E-BC

>* 03.00 Copy the DECnet distribution kit? [Y/N]: Y
>* 04.00 Where is the DECnet distribution kit loaded [S]: MS0:
>* 04.01 Is the tape already loaded in MS0:? [Y/N]: Y
>* 04.02 Is the tape 1600 BPI? [Y/N]: Y
>; Copying UIC "[137,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[1,2]".
>* 07.00 Should the DECnet object files be moved to the NETGEN Disk? [Y/N]: Y
>; Copying UIC "[1,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[137,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[137,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[130,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[130,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[133,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[133,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[133,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[134,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[136,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[140,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[140,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[140,54]".
>; Copying UIC "[142,10]".
>; Copying UIC "[142,24]".
>; Copying UIC "[200,200]".
>; Copying UIC "[131,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[132,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[133,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[135,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[136,34]".
>; Copying UIC "[140,34]".
23:50:04  *** MS0:  -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MS0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***

I haven't got a PSI distribution tape, but if you do have one I imagine the questions will be very similar to the last two sections

>* 03.00 Copy the PSI distribution kit? [Y/N]: N
>; ======================================================================
>;  PREGEN - Stopped at 23:50:06 on 24-MAY-90
>; ======================================================================
>@ <EOF>
Protection UIC: [137,10]
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - RSX-11M-PLUS CEX System Generation Procedure
>;        Started at 23:50:31 on 24-MAY-90
>; =====================================================================
>; Copyright (C) 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987 by
>; Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
>; Generate a CEX System, Version 04.00, for your RSX-11M-PLUS target system.
>; The following CEX Products may be generated
>;      DECnet
>; The distribution kits must be up  to  the  current  patch  level.   If
>; necessary, you should stop the  generation  and  apply  the  necessary
>; patches.
>; The logical device name LB: should already be assigned to  the  device
>; which contains the library files for the system  you  are  generating.
>; These files are EXELIB.OLB, EXEMC.MLB,  RSXMAC.SML,  SYSLIB.OLB,  and,
>; for RSX-11S, 11SLIB.OLB.
>; The logical device names IN:, OU:, LS: and MP: should not be  assigned
>; to any devices before starting the generation.  These  logical  device
>; names are used by NETGEN to refer to various  disks  used  during  the
>; generation.
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, E-Exit [S]: 
>; ====================================================================
>;  NETGEN Disk contains NO DECNET AUTOPATCH corrections
>; ====================================================================
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  1 - General Initialization
>; =====================================================================
>* 01.00 Do you want to see the NETGEN notes/cautions [D=N]? [Y/N]: 
>* 02.00 Target system device [dduu, D=SY:] [S]: 
>* 03.00 Listing/map device [dduu, D=None] [S]: 
>* 04.00 UIC Group Code for NETGEN output [O R:1-377 D:5]: 
>; Checking for required library files, tasks, and UICs.
>; Creating UFD for SY:[005,001]
>; Creating UFD for SY:[005,010]
>; 07.00 User ID to be used to identify your new responses
>*       [D=None] [S R:0.-30.]: Test system for SimH DMC-11
>* 08.00 Is this generation to be a dry run [D=N]? [Y/N]: 
>* 09.00 Do you want a standard function network [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y
>* 11.00 Should old files be deleted [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  2 - Define the target system
>; =====================================================================
>* 02.00 RSXMC.MAC location (ddu:[g,m], D=SY:[011,010]) [S]: 
>; SY00:[011,010]RSXMC.MAC is being copied to SY:[005,010]RSXMC.MAC
>; SY:[005,010]RSXMC.MAC is being scanned to define your target system.
>; This may take up to several minutes.
>; The target is an RSX-11M-PLUS system, with...
>;      A 20K-Executive
>;      Kernel data space enabled
>;      Extended memory support (more than 124K words of memory)
>;      Multi-user protection
>;      Extended instruction set (EIS)
>;      Powerfail recovery support
>;      Dynamic task checkpoint allocation
>;      PLAS support
>;      Queue Manager (QMG) support
>; Checking for required library files and tasks.
>; Creating UFD for SY:[005,024]
>; Creating UFD for SY:[005,054]
>* 04.00 RSX11M.STB location (ddu:[g,m], D=SY00:[001,054]) [S]: 
>; SY00:[001,054]RSX11M.STB is being copied to SY:[005,054]RSX11M.STB
>* 05.00 Should tasks link to the Supervisor Mode FCS library [D=N]? [Y/N]: 
>* 06.00 Should tasks link to the Memory Resident FCS library [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y

I do not know the implications of the above choices, but it has to be linked to one of them!

>; The DECnet CEX Product will be generated.
>; Routing or non-routing nodes can be generated from your distribution kit.
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  3 - Define the system lines
>; =====================================================================
>* 01.00 Device Driver Process name [<RET>=Done] [S R:0-3]: UNA
>* 02.00 How many UNA controllers are there [D R:1.-16. D:1.]: 
>* 03.01 CSR address for UNA-0 [O R:160000-177777 D:174510]: 
>* 03.02 Vector address for UNA-0 [O R:0-774 D:120]: 
>* 03.03 Device priority for UNA-0 [O R:4-6 D:5]: 
>* 04.07 Set the state for UNA-0 ON when loading the network [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y
>* 01.00 Device Driver Process name [<RET>=Done] [S R:0-3]: DMC
>* 02.00 How many DMC controllers are there [D R:1.-16. D:1.]: 
>* 03.01 CSR address for DMC-0 [O R:160000-177777 D:177777]: 160070
>* 03.02 Vector address for DMC-0 [O R:0-774 D:0]: 310
>* 03.03 Device priority for DMC-0 [O R:4-6 D:5]: 
>* 04.00 Is DMC-0 a FULL or HALF duplex line [D=FULL] [S]: 
>* 04.01 Line speed for DMC-0 [D R:50.-56000. D:56000.]: 
>* 04.07 Set the state for DMC-0 ON when loading the network [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y
>* 01.00 Device Driver Process name [<RET>=Done] [S R:0-3]: 
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  4 - Define the CEX System
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for AUX, the CEX Auxillary routine.
>; Creating build files for CETAB, the CEX configuration tables.
>; Creating build files for the DDMs, the device driver modules.
>;      UNA
>;      DMC
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  5 - Define the Comm Exec Support Components
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for NTINIT, the network initializer.
>; Creating build files for NTL, the network loader.
>; Creating build files for MLD, the general microcode loader.
>; Creating build files for EVL/EVC, the event logger and collector.
>; EVL will use 6. event buffers.
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  6 - Define the System Management Utilities
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for NCP, the network control program.
>; Creating build files for NMVACP  and  NMDRV,  the  Network  Management
>; Volatile ACP and driver.
>; Creating build files for CFE, the configuration file editor.
>; Creating build files for NDA, the network dump analyzer.
>; Creating build files for VNP, the virtual network control program.
>; Creating build files for LOO, the loop test sender task.
>; Creating build files for EVF, the event file interpreter program.
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  7 - Define the CEX Products
>; =====================================================================
>; Questions concerning the following CEX Products will now be asked.
>;      DECnet
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - DECnet CEX Product Generation Procedure
>;        Starting questions at 23:53:32 on 24-MAY-90
>; =====================================================================
>; Copyright (C) 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987 by
>; Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
>; Generate the DECnet CEX Product for your RSX-11M-PLUS target
>; System.
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  1 - Define the target and remote nodes
>; =====================================================================
>* 01.00 What is the target node name [S R:0-6]: RSX1
>* 02.00 What is the target node address [S R:0.-8.]: 1.13
>* 03.00 Target node ID [D=None] [S R:0.-32.]: Simh/RSX Test System
>* 04.00 Do you want to generate a routing node [D=N]? [Y/N]: Y
>* 04.01 Do you want to generate a level 2 routing node [D=N]? [Y/N]: 
>* 05.00 Highest node number in this area [D R:13.-1023. D:13.]: 20
>; Extended  network  support for network command terminals and products
>; layered on DECnet, will be included.
>* 07.00 Remote node name [<RET>=Done] [S R:0-6]: VMS1
>* 07.01 What is the remote node address [D=1.1] [S R:0.-8.]: 
>* 07.00 Remote node name [<RET>=Done] [S R:0-6]: 
>; The DECnet MACRO user library and FORTRAN/COBOL/BASIC+2  library  will
>; be included.
>; The DECnet MACRO user library will  be  placed  on  your  target  disk
>; as "SY:[1,1]NETLIB.MLB".
>; The DECnet FORTRAN/COBOL/BASIC+2 object library will be placed on your
>; target disk  as "SY:[1,1]NETFOR.OLB".
>; If necessary, please move them to  the  library  disk  (LB:)  on  your
>; target system, if this is different from your target disk (SY:).
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  2 - Define the DECnet Communications Components
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for XPT, the routing process.
>; Creating build files for RCP, the routing event processing task.
>; Creating build files for ECL, the network services process and driver.
>; Creating build files for NETACP, the network services ACP.
>; NETACP will be checkpointable.
>; Creating build files for EPM, the Ethernet protocol manager process.
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  3 - Define the DECnet Network Management Components
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for NICE, the  network  information  and  control
>; server task.
>; Creating build files for EVR, the network event receiver task.
>; Creating build files for NTD, the node state display task.
>; Creating build files for NTDEMO, the node state display server task.
>; Creating build files for LIN, the link watcher task.
>; Creating build files for MIR, the loop test mirror task.
>; Creating build files for NVP, the network connect verification task.
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  4 - Define the DECnet Satellite Support Components
>; =====================================================================
>* 02.00 Do you want the Satellite Support Components [D=N]? [Y/N]: 
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  5 - Define the DECnet File Utilities
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files  for  NFT, the network file access user task.
>; Creating  build  files  for  FTS,  the  network  file  access  spooler
>; user task.
>; Creating build files for FAL, the network file access server.
>; FAL will support RMS file access.
>; FAL will be a multi-copy object.
>; FAL will not be overlaid.
>; FAL will use the memory resident RMS library.
>; FAL user data buffer size will be 2048 bytes.
>; Creating build files for  MCM,  the  network  command  or  batch  file
>; submission server.
>; MCM requests will be queued to BATCH.
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - Section  6 - Define the DECnet Terminal and Control Utilities
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for RMT and RMTACP, the remote  network  terminal
>; task and ACP.
>; The maximum number of simultaneous RMT users is 4.
>; Creating build files for HT: and RMHACP, the remote  network  terminal
>; driver and ACP.
>; RMHACP will support 4 simultaneous incoming connections.
>; HTDRV will support 4 HT: units.
>; Creating build files for NCT, the network command terminal server
>; Creating  build  files  for  RTH,  the  network  command terminal host
>; support.
>; Creating build files for TLK, the remote talk user task.
>; Creating build files for LSN, the remote talk server task.
>; Creating build files for PHO, the inter-terminal conversation utility.
>; Creating build files for LAT/LCP, the Local Area Transport terminal
>; service process and LAT Control Program
>; Creating build files for TCL, the remote task control server task.
>; =====================================================================
>;  DEC - DECnet CEX Product Generation Procedure
>;        DECnet question/answer section completed at 23:56:22 on 24-MAY-90
>; =====================================================================
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  8 - Complete the CEX System Definitions
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating build files for DLX, the Direct Line Access process.
>* 02.00 What is the Large Data Buffer (LDB) size [D R:576.-1484. D:576.]: 
>; <EOS>  Do you want to:
>*        <RET>-Continue, R-Repeat section, P-Pause, E-Exit [S]: 
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section  9 - Build the CEX System at 23:56:28 on 24-MAY-90
>; =====================================================================
>; All questions have now been asked and the selected components will now
>; be built.  This may take from one to three  hours,  depending  on  the
>; selection of components and the system you are running on.
>PIP SY:[005,054]AUX.DAT/PU/NM
>SET /UIC=[1,2]
>SET /UIC=[005,024]
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[3,54]RSXVEC.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]AUX.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,54]AUX.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NTINIT.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NTL.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]MLD.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[132,54]MLD.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]EVL.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NCPRES.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NMVACP.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]NMVACP.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]CFERES.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[141,54]NDA.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]VNP.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LOO.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]LOO.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]EVFRES.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]DLX.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]DLX.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]UNA.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]UNAMC.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]DMC.DAT
>SET /UIC=[1,1]
>LBR OU:[1,1]NETFOR/CO:1:320.:192.=IN:[134,24]NETFOR.OLB
Entry points deleted:
>SET /UIC=[005,024]
>PIP OU:[005,024]/NV=IN:[137,24]NTEST.CMD
>SET /UIC=[005,054]
>PIP OU:[005,054]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]DTS.TSK,DTR.TSK
>SET /UIC=[005,024]
>PIP OU:[5,54]XPT.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]XPT.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]ECL.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]ECL.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]PROXY.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[131,24]EPM.DAT,EPMST.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NICE.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]EVR.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NTD.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]NTDEMO.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LIN.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]MIR.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV=IN:[135,54]MIR.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[132,54]NVP.TSK
>SET /UIC=[5,24]
>SET /UIC=[5,24]
>PIP OU:[5,54]NCT.TSK/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]NCT.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]NCT.STB/NV=IN:[140,54]NCT.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]NCTCTL.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]TRXCTL.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[140,54]TRXCOL.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]NCT.DAT/NV=IN:[140,24]NCT.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]RTH.DAT/NV=IN:[140,24]RTH.DAT
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]LSN.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[133,54]PHONE.TSK
>SET /UIC=[1,2]
>SET /UIC=[5,24]
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[135,54]LCP.TSK
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LAT.TSK,LAT.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]/NV/CO=IN:[131,54]LAT1.TSK,LAT1.STB
>PIP OU:[5,54]LAT.DAT/NV=IN:[131,24]LAT.DAT
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - Section 10 - Generation Clean Up
>; =====================================================================
>; Creating NETCFG.TXT, the network configuration description file.
>; Creating NETCFE.CMD, the network configuration command file.
>; Creating NETINS.CMD, the network installation command file.
>; Creating NETREM.CMD, the network removal command file.
>; The network HELP file library has been placed on your target disk, as:
>;      SY:[1,2]NETHLP.ULB
>; This file should be moved to your target systems library device (LB:).
>; =====================================================================
>;  NET - RSX-11M-PLUS CEX System Generation Procedure
>;        Stopped at 23:56:52 on 24-MAY-90
>; =====================================================================
>@ <EOF>
>SET /UIC=[1,1]

To be continued...